The Leadership Summit is the annual Business Meeting for Credentialed Partners of the Sickle Cell Consortium. General Attendees are invited to participate in most, but not all of the Convention. The Partner Workshops and training are open to everyone. The Docket, Business Meeting, and Infrastructure Lunch are closed sessions for partners only. To register, please see below:
Partners, Presenters, and Sponsors should register at THIS LINK.
Non-Sponsors and general attendees should register at THIS LINK.
Please be certain to use the correct link. If you are uncertain about your partnership status, contact Dominique Goodson at Dgoodson@sicklecellconsortium.org
A Credentialed CBO is a not-for-profit organization or foundation, whose mission aligns with the Consortium goal to amplify the power of the patient by ensuring that the sickle cell patient/caregiver is at the center of advocacy, awareness, education, research, policy, and legislation. CBO partners may vary in focus, purpose, application of mission, or dissemination of resources, but are aligned in overall objective to improve healthcare outcomes for the sickle cell community.
International Community-Based Organizations (CBO-I) is a credentialed, international non-profit organization whose mission and purpose align with the Sickle Cell Consortium to benefit the sickle cell community and to ensure that sickle cell warriors and caregivers are at the center of education, legislation, advocacy, research, and policy.
Junior CBOs (jCBO) is an active organization with the intent to become a full CBO within the next two (2) years. Please Note: A jCBO must actively work towards obtaining official 501c3 not-for-profit status within two years of partnering. The Consortium will guide to assist with obtaining a 501c3 if needed.
Sponsored Patient Organizations (SPO) are patient or caregiver groups, that do not intend to seek 501c3 status but are instead sponsored by a healthcare provider or other healthcare entity. Patient/Caregiver support groups are often in this category.
Patients and Caregivers are the lifeblood of the Consortium as they determine the direction of all Consortium platforms and projects and identify the needs and gaps within the sickle cell community. We welcome all sickle cell patients and caregivers who are active advocates.